Update: Cube Construction

The project is progressing along nicely, the construction of the cube involved the use of 6 pieces of Plywood sawn in half, making 12 pieces approximately 0.5m in length.

The cube is held together by long round top nails, and weighs around 1kg, making it ideal to be placed on a stand during the exhibition and light enough for transportation.

The next stage will involve covering the cubes 5 sides (not including the side where the stand will be placed) in a white sheet for projection, a single white bed sheet should fit this purpose.





3D Video Projection Mapping on Cubes with Quartz Composer.


Screen Shot 2017-02-21 at 19.24.31 Screen Shot 2017-02-21 at 19.25.04


Designing a 3D display using white cubes in a white spacious environment, using a coding software for Mac OS without the need to code:  Quartz Composer.


Archive/ Website Layout.

Archive Webpage Data Cube Website

After the exhibition concludes, all of the “envisions” and photographs will be archived and available to view at anytime via the projects website.

The exact workings and techniques to how the information is to be displayed is still in the works, however a rough graphic layout of what to expect helps to show an idea of who the site might look.